Tuesday, January 04, 2011

The One About The Women

The new year always brings about reflection and resolution. I don't care who you are, and whether or not you act on your resolutions, I'm pretty damn sure you at least THINK about the past year and reflect on what you'd like to change.

From my perusal of the internet as of late it seems that there's a whole lot of dis-satisfaction out there. And a whole lot of folks trying to leave their mark. That got me thinking about the women (because most of my reading is woman written) who've left their mark on me. Gifts if you will, lessons if you must. (And no, I don't think in any particular pattern...roll with it)

From the Divine Mrs.T
   She boldly went where no woman had gone before. Really. At a time when no woman would even consider doing it. She never viewed her accomplishments as such. Towards the end of her life, she was contacted by an author who was writing a book on women's suffrage and Mrs. T's role in it. She laughed out loud and told the author that the whole idea was foolish. She merely did what pleased her. She taught me that recognition won't fill your soul, the very act itself will. Be quiet, be humble, and just do.

The Very Capable Honeybee
   During the latter part of her marriage, her husband managed to bankrupt both his business and them personally, Miraculously, Honeybee returned from an outing to an undisclosed location with enough cash to sustain them. She taught me to always have my own money...

From The Ever Irrepressible Momma
    There were many. Too many to count. I remember standing in the funeral home after Momma died and the undertaker asked me if they were to attend to hair and make-up since the casket was to be closed ( that's a whole different story) and I think I looked shocked. I replied that Momma wouldn't go to the grocery store without hair and make-up she certainly wasn't going to God without... The lesson? Always be prepared.

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